Ever since Advertising Age (AdAge) published the Internet’s Top Media and Marketing Blogs, they have been receiving on-going publicity about the list. Recently, Scott Weisbrod used the AdAge list to rank Canadian blogs and published his own list of Top 30 Canadian Marketing and Advertising Blogs. I am excited to see that ADS-Links.com made it on this top 30 list. With so many well respected blogs on it, I am proud to be a part of it’s true north strong and free.
Here is Scott Weisbrod’s Top 30 Canadian Marketing and Advertising Blogs and AdAge.com’s Top Media and Marketing Blogs.
Ian Lee
Work from home dad, marketer and photographer. Fallen in love with basketball all over again as I coach my daughter's team.
63 thoughts on “ADS-Links.com Makes the Top 30 Canadian Media and Marketing Blogs List”
Great job, Congrats! I just came across your blog a couple days ago but it looks like you put out some good info. Best of luck making it to #1 next time around 😉
Hey Congrats! Good job – I hope my blog comes close…. (well I never publicize it and besides, don’t want my boss to know that I’m not working during work hours!)
I have noticed that there are many competitors for Canadian Marketing and Advertising Blogs BUT you made it in the TOP 30, that really means something – hard work, time and effort are truly the key factors of success! Congratulations and keep up the good work. (**) I hope you can make to the TOP 10. Best regards.
congratulations for making ads-links listed top30 carnadian advertising blogs. Not easy job to get listed as they are many marketing blogs around Canada
Congratulations on the blogging achievement! I am sure it took a lot of time to achieve this!
I am new to this blogging thing and just found your site.Hopefully I can make something happen with it as well.
Hi, i really like your site layout. I will continue reading here, so i subscribed! Maybe you could check out my site, and even subscribe if you like. Thanks, Zach.
this is sona,
I am new to this blogging thing and just found your site.Hopefully I can make something happen with it as well.
Suffering from an addiction. This website has a lot of great resources and treatment centers. http://treatmentcenters.org
I came across your blog today and find it very helpful. I do hope you get to the top 30 of U.S blog list. The information you provide is outstanding and informative if you are new to the internet. Thanks
Congratulations on your achievement — I will definitely go back to this website — if adage found it relevant, I’m pretty sure reading this blog will do good for my business.
why not found this website from Google Germany with teh most informative and usefull Content.hope wrote mor usefull articles on Internet will come back again
That was really great landing on the top 3. After I have read your posts in here, I’d say you really deserve the credits. Great blog you have in here mate! 🙂
Congratulations. I discovered your blog only recently when searching for articles and advice on marketing. I have bookmaked it aleady and find it to be a usefl source of information covering related issues.
Great job, Congrats! I just came across your blog a couple days ago but it looks like you put out some good info. Best of luck making it to #1 next time around 😉
Thanks Josh. I appreciate the feedback on this blog.
Hey Congrats! Good job – I hope my blog comes close…. (well I never publicize it and besides, don’t want my boss to know that I’m not working during work hours!)
Thanks for the note Mike. It made me laugh! 🙂
Congratulations! It’s good to see that time and effort is recognised, despite all the negativity nowadays 🙂
I have noticed that there are many competitors for Canadian Marketing and Advertising Blogs BUT you made it in the TOP 30, that really means something – hard work, time and effort are truly the key factors of success! Congratulations and keep up the good work. (**) I hope you can make to the TOP 10. Best regards.
Matt & Mitchell,
Thanks for the kind notes. I appreciate the shout outs!
congratulations for making ads-links listed top30 carnadian advertising blogs. Not easy job to get listed as they are many marketing blogs around Canada
Thanks MerCuRy,
I appreciate the note! 🙂
Wow…excellent development, I guess your no able to establish yourself as an authority in canada. Keep up the hard work! 😀
Hey, Congrats on the top 30. Well deserved.
@Small Loans & @Chris, thanks for the comments.
Congratulations all the way from Malaysia.
@ArahMan7, thanks for the shout out all the way from Malaysia – one of my favourite vacation spots by the way!
First time to this blog and guess what i see .. It is good.. it is very good.. congrats on the achievement .. I know you will do better next year …
Thankyou so much, this information really helped me…
Well done, from reading your blog I think you more than deserve it.
Congratulations on the blogging achievement! I am sure it took a lot of time to achieve this!
I am new to this blogging thing and just found your site.Hopefully I can make something happen with it as well.
Do you know if there is an initiative to do this ranking with brazillian blogs?
Congratulations from Germany 🙂
Your Blog is realy helüful for me, so keep on the good work.
Congrats! That is quite an accomplishment. Hard work really does pay off!
Great, Congratulations!
Congrats 🙂 thats just great foru you 🙂 i wish i could reach any top with my blog
Wow! Congratulations and best of luck.
That’s awesome! Congrats!
Congratulations! It’s good to see that time and effort is recognised, despite all the negativity nowadays.
Great post! Thanks
Hi, i really like your site layout. I will continue reading here, so i subscribed! Maybe you could check out my site, and even subscribe if you like. Thanks, Zach.
Thanks josh for the info !!
Can you stand another congratulatory comment? Okay, Congratulations.
this is sona,
I am new to this blogging thing and just found your site.Hopefully I can make something happen with it as well.
Suffering from an addiction. This website has a lot of great resources and treatment centers.
thats great man congrats and i hope u get into the top 30 of U.S. blog list too
I came across your blog today and find it very helpful. I do hope you get to the top 30 of U.S blog list. The information you provide is outstanding and informative if you are new to the internet. Thanks
I hope you get top 30 too dude and all the best.
Congratulations on your achievement — I will definitely go back to this website — if adage found it relevant, I’m pretty sure reading this blog will do good for my business.
Great work! Congratulations 🙂
I echo the congratulations of many here. 🙂
Great job! Congratulation Ian Lee. 🙂 “A day in the life of an Internet Marketer” make me stop here.
@Mike, my boss looking at me while I am typing here. 🙂
Congrats, keep up the good work! Awesome article!
Excellent post. Thanks for sharing.
Nice look.I like it.
Well done!Congratulations!
Hey congrats. That is really good news. I wish I could get to a blogging level like yours. Keep up the great work.
Well done!!, congratulations!!! Thanks for share with us.
I didn’t even realize there were 30 blogs in all of Canada.
Congratulations, glad to comment the first sentence like this, 🙂
why not found this website from Google Germany with teh most informative and usefull Content.hope wrote mor usefull articles on Internet will come back again
Great job, you must be really proud!
What should I say? Congratulations, guy, great job!
congratilations!! great job!
That was really great landing on the top 3. After I have read your posts in here, I’d say you really deserve the credits. Great blog you have in here mate! 🙂
Congratulations. I discovered your blog only recently when searching for articles and advice on marketing. I have bookmaked it aleady and find it to be a usefl source of information covering related issues.
wow fantastic, and congrats for your blog 🙂
Good for you Ian that you made it to the list, I think this list missed many big marketing blogs in Canada
Great job Ian! I’ve been following your blog for months now. You really deserve it.
Good luck for the Future Projects.
Congratulations! And thank you, your site has been very helpful.
Thx for the Info!
I stumbled upon your web site, i believe your blog site is awsome, keep writing.
you guys are doing a great job. This is very usefull and encouraging. Keep it up
thanks for all the helpful info! i wish there were more sites like yours on the web. it would make my searches a lot easier.
Very cool! Thank for the info, very helpful and handy… just made me a new reader!
Great information! I had heard about this previously, and I as well stumbled upon it thank youu =)