A bookmark is meant to help us easily find web pages that we use often or have previously visited. Google does have a bookmark service but what’s even more amazing and popular is the ubiquitous nature of Google Search. You see, more users are beginning to use Google Search as their online bookmarks. Because search results are getting better and more relevant, a detailed search normally returns the web page of interest.
From time to time, do you find yourself typing in a product name or a website into Google and then clicking through Google search results to get to your destination? Admit it. You are sometimes doing that; and, probably will do so more and more in the future!
Yes within the past few years Goole’s search result have become much better. Bookmarking them though….why not? It will save time.
yes, I am already and often using the google boolmark…simple,easy and very fast
I am presently not using any kind of bookmarks. I don’t know, but i really don’t like to bookmark anything though it is really useful way to remember sites of interest.
Yes, Google is spending billions getting their searches to be more relevant. I don’t use bookmarks, I know how Google works and 95% of the time I can do a Google search or a couple of Google searches and find what I need. The key is to search for key words or phrases that will occur and only occur on the website that you are looking for or in that website’s domain name.
Google´s search results are getting better all the time.I have work-related bookmarks that I often use.