How to Fix Windows Vista Slow Network Transfer

It was time to purchase a new computer and I ended up buying a Dell Dimension E520. I will write a detailed review once more hours have been logged on it but for now, I hope this little tip can save someone hours of headache from Windows Vista transferring data at extremely slow speeds over a network.

Once the new machine was setup, I proceeded to transfer data from my old PC to the new Dell. Everything worked ok. Got the network setup, can share and transfer files within the network. Only 1 issue… SUPER slow transfer speeds through a wired network! Moving 6 Gigs of data from my XP machine to the new Windows Vista Business box was going to take over 6 days (as reported by Vista itself). Transferring the same amount of data from XP machine to XP machine took considerably less time. Something was definitely wrong here. Did the E520 really think I was really going to wait 6 days for the transfer to complete itself? Not a chance!

After reading quite a bit of feedback from others who had also experienced slow network transfers when using Windows Vista , I came to a few possible reasons as to why my own network transfer speeds were so low.

1. NIC settings (half & full duplex) were wreaking havoc on LAN transfers
2. My Linksys WRT54GL router was the cause
3. Windows Vista’s ‘Remote Differential Compression’ was causing the slow transfer rate
4. Windows Vista is just painfully slow… live with it

1. NIC settings (half & full duplex) were wreaking havoc on LAN transfers
I spent some time manually setting NIC transfer modes on both machines. I rotated through these settings but did not see a significant benefit.

  • 10mbps / sec (Half Duplex)
  • 10mbps / sec (Full Duplex)
  • 100mbps / sec (Half Duplex)
  • 10mbps / sec (Full Duplex)
  • Auto Negotiate

2. My Linksys WRT54GL router was the cause
Failing to locate a duplex setting on this unit, I quickly determined that this may not be the culprit for the slow network transfers. If memory serves, I think a 3rd party firmware like HyperWRT or Thibor is required to adjust advanced internal settings on the WRT54GL router and I am only running the official Linksys firmware.

3. Windows Vista’s ‘Remote Differential Compression’ was causing the slow transfer rate
I disabled ‘Remote Differential Compression’ with no success.

Start>>Control Panel>>Programs and Features

Click on ‘Turn windows features on or off’ on the left side of the screen

Unchecked ‘Remote Differential Compression’

4. Windows Vista is just painfully slow… live with it
I definitely did not want to wait 6 days to complete 6 Gigs of data transfer so I threw this out pretty quickly. As I mentioned, something was definitely wrong as transferring the same files from XP to XP went pretty quickly.

The Fix for Windows Vista Slow Network Transfer
Then it dawned on me. Maybe some firewall setting was causing the network slow down! I went directly to disable Windows Firewall and found that it was already disabled. I then attempted to disable the 30-day free McAfee trial security suite thingamajig that was bundled with the new Dell. For some reason, I was unable to locate an option to temporarily disable the firewall. Regardless, I just uninstalled it.

Sure enough. After removing McAfee, LAN transfer speeds went from 225KB/s to over 5 MB/s. That’s more than a 20 times increase in transfer speed. Actual transfer time dropped from 6 days plus to just over 45 minutes. Not too shabby for transferring 6.5 Gigs of data across a network. I am sure there are other tweaks that can be made to further increase speeds but for now, this is very acceptable while I load data from the old machine to the new. Look for a full review of the new Dell once I put it under heavy, day-to-day use.

The next time you are experiencing slow network speeds, you might try and disable firewall settings. If that doesn’t work, uninstalling McAfee might!

Ian Lee
Work from home dad, marketer and photographer. Fallen in love with basketball all over again as I coach my daughter's team.

215 thoughts on “How to Fix Windows Vista Slow Network Transfer”

  1. Thanks much for your website. I just purchased a Dell Dim E520 Computer, and having trouble transferring data and programs from my old Dell Dim 4100 computer running Mircosofe Me O/S.

    Am I beyond any Help!!!!!,

    Thanks much.

  2. Frank, you should be able to transfer data from your old Dell to your new Dell once you get your network setup. What kind of trouble are you having?

    As for programs, you will not be able to transfer these but rather have to reinstall them on the new machine. But be warned, Vista can be finicky with older software titles. Check on the software manufacturer’s website to see if the version that you have is compatible with Vista.

    Good luck.

  3. I got a new Dell E520 today and had the same problem. Thanks so much for the fix. I’m finding that many of the antivirus/spyware programs have been having trouble with vista. I guess they need more time to figure out how to work well together.


  4. Robbie,

    This article was specific to speeds via a local area network but when you say internet downloads are slow, can you provide some numbers?

    First of all, I would disable your wireless connection and use the wired connection to run a test here:

    Then run the same test with your wireless connection and see if there is a difference. If you have another machine (without Vista), run the same test and note the up & down speeds. Report back with numbers, it will help with the diagnosis.

  5. I’m having exactly the same problem and i have mcafee total protection installed and just cant find any advanced configuration settings on it. I’m going to try and see if i can sort the firewall out if not I’m going to try and uninstall it and hope my router will protect me.

  6. Sounds like I wasn’t the only one having a tough time locating a way to temporarily disabling the McAfee firewall. Actually, I wasn’t able to temporarily disable their anti-virus or anti-spyware apps either. 31337, let us know if you end up having to resort to uninstalling McAfee. I sure hope a patch is released soon to resolve this issue for users who paid good money to purchase this product.

  7. Ian,

    I’m having the same problem you had but my comp is a Compaq that came with Norton Internet Security. I uninstalled Norton but am having the same slow tranfer on my LAN. Any more ideas?

  8. Thank you so much for this post! I was going crazy trying to solve this problem! Just so you know, McAfee has to be completely uninstalled – I tried turning off the firewall and it didn’t help at all. So I uninstalled McAfee and – Boom! – it was like magic.

  9. Great stuff. This info needs to get around. All the other ‘help’ articles about netsh and such was garbage. It was the McAfee after all. That software is so gone.

  10. Ben P: There could be any number of reason for a slow LAN transfer. If you can post some numbers and your setup, perhaps some of us here can help you troubleshoot.

    Jackson: My pleasure and thanks for the info. I know that will help others.

    it was like magic

    I love it!

  11. I found a solution. It’s slow when i request the files FROM the Vista machine. But if i send them using the XP machine to a share on the Vista then it transfers like normal. Go figure. Thanks though!

  12. Thanks Ian for providing this solution.

    I recently bought a Dell laptop with Vista Business on it. I was trying to transfer files from my XP desktop to my new Dell Laptop. It was taking ages. The max transfer speed I used to get was 10kbps. This worked fine when I transfer files from by XP desktop to another XP laptop. This was driving me crazy. I tried all sorts of things, changing firewall settings, changing windows program options, changing network card speeds…
    Finally came across this article. Uninstalled McAfee and hey presto suddenly I am getting speeds of 1MB/sec.

    Thanks again…

  13. Well it looks like McAfee did resolve one issue, however even 5MBps is slow when you compare it to XP. I have Vista & Synology NAS and can’t get anything over 5MBps copying from the NAS even at 1000Mbps, if I go with my old XP then the same file on a 100Mbps sits on 8MBps. I have tried all the tips and tweaks such as disabling auto-tuning, turn off remote diff compression and none of this had an affect, I can write files to my NAS at 10MBps but can’t get over 5Mbps for reads, I am all out of ideas and it looks like waiting for SP1. I can’t even team NIC’s as Vista doesn’t support it, oh well

  14. I’m having the same problem. I had a Dell laptop with XP, and download and send speeds were fast. I just bought a HP Pavilion laptop with windows Vista and it takes twice to three times as long to send or receive files over the network, including downloading files from the internet. (e.g. d/ling the iTunes setup file took over 10 minutes)
    The network and router settings are still the same as before, only difference is I have Windows Vista with a 60-day trial of Norton Protection Center & Internet Security. Any ideas?

  15. Unfortunately, I don’t have mcaffee and I’m having a similiar problem. My download speeds are usually 2.6 mbps to 3 on all speed tests. On vista, I get the same results ……..every 4th or 5th consecutive test. I have 2 other computers running xp pro and 2000 pro that work fine. I have a gig of ram in my system and a 64 bit processor. I have researched threads similiar to this one and noticed everyone having a problem is using a linksys wrt54G* router as I also have. Today the router started loading the config pages halfway on my vista machine but regularly on the others. It would show the forms but no text. I have been trying different things over the last couple days to see why I”m getting alot of dropped connections on my vista. I thought it would be because of my MTU settings; I use pppoe and it should be 1492 instead of 1500. My mtu was not specified in the registry and I read where vista is suppose to detect this automatically anyway. I manually enabled EnablePMTUDiscovery as I usually do anyway on XP. I have tried putting MTU dword with decimal 1492. I tried using an addon pci ethernet card instead of the one integrated and then trying my other mention settings with this NIC. It seems the culprit is my linksys wrt54g just not liking something about vista. is it the new topology protocols? I tried doing “netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled” command mentioned in another post that helped others. What’s happening is slow connection speed that is unreliable. When i click on a link, every 3rd time it just wants to sit there with ie7’s status indicator spinning on the tab. I have no idea what to do. this is a NEW linksys router. I upgraded the firmware to the latest official on

  16. Jon & John: If you are using the default Vista web browser, try turning off the phishing filter in IE7 and see if that helps. Have you tried using FireFox to see if internet speeds are improved?

  17. Ian

    I have a Dell E521 with exactly the same problems. Now resolved by removing the McAfee software (which I was going to get rid of eventually anyway).

    A network transfer that was going to take 23 hours is now taking more like 4 minutes…that’s more like it!

    Thank you for the post.


  18. still having trouble: removed Norton, ran NETsh, disabled ipv6, disabled vistas phishing filter… still as slow as 1kb/s …

    currently i’m in Vista in safemode and its running at normal speed?! what the heck is bogging it down when I load Vista Normally? This pretty much confirms it’s not my router right? thanks.

  19. Add me to the list. Just purchased a Toshiba A205. Removed the McAfee and my download speed is still super slow. Updated all the drivers and turned off the firewall, still slow. I have a Linksys wireless B router that works fine with XP laptops and Apple macbook.
    Got to be something to do with Vista. Any suggestions?

  20. I just bought an HP Pavilion dv6338se (AMD Turion 64) with Vista Home Premium on it, and am getting slow-as-hell browsing speeds, and even worse transfer rates (by wireless). My firmware is up-to-date for my DI-524.

    Things I’ve tried:
    1) Cleaned out the junk that came with it (Norton et al.)

    2) netsh int tcp setup….. command

    3) Updated the wireless card drivers

    4) Flashed bios

    5) Turned off Windows firewall

    6) Installed Firefox

    Nothing. Browsing speeds are great on my Acer with XP, and my Macbook.

  21. I am just going to let you all know that my Vista computer ran EXTREMELY slow using the internet, and thanks to you, Ian Lee, I was able to solve it. McAfee is the problem, I just uninstalled it and now it’s better than ever. Thanks a lot!

  22. Hi, been having trouble with my speed since vista, both through internet and network.

    I ran TPTEST to determine my speed, and ended up with tcp sent 960kbit/s and received 495kbit/s…

    now i’ve got a 10/100 Mbit/s broadband connection so i wonder what tha hell is wrong!!!

    Dont have any virus progs installed.
    a friend with the same connection in the same building got the “correct” transfer rates which were 40+ mbit/s etc…


  23. I came across this section while i was trying to find out why my Lynksys WRT54G router was doing the same thing..

    I was getting “&” in place of all the text…

    I am useing Zone alarm and found that if i turned off cookie control it showed the page ok…

    Maybe some of you are useing software or internet options that are causeing the same fault…

  24. Hi
    I have a similar problem. No firewall, have tried netsh, etc. Speed when vista accesses other computers is OK. Speed when others try to access vista is terrible. Am at my wits end. It just doesn’t make sense.Dell have not replied to my help requests eventhough the warranty is supposed to cover all system problems. Vista is crap.

  25. I run Vista Business on one computer and XP on another. The internet download speed is really slow on Vista. When I begin to download a file from the internet, the transfer always starts at my ISP maximum rate 1 Mbit then slows down in seconds, so the average speed comes something like ten times lower. This didn’t affect the upload spead though. The test didn’t show any speen problem with the upload. I have both computers connected with Belkin G-Router. I haven’t noticed any problem like that with the XP computer. And the Vista hadn’t shown any slowdown, too, util the last week, when I installed a lot of business software on it. All my attempts to fix that didn’t help.

  26. Well, I should add, I use OneCare (no Norton, nor McAfee). The OneCare was installed on the same day that Vista was installed and both worked perfectly for about a month till recently.

  27. Hi all,

    I’ve had the same problems and found this solution:

    start a dos-shell and enter following command:

    netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

    You’ll have to activate an adminstrator account first though, the standard local adminstrator doesn’t have enough privileges.


  28. Same issue with Avast Antivirus. Turned off the real-time protection, and the speed went up dramatically…

  29. I tried

    netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

    This didn’t help to me either. I have both internet and local network transfer really slow. Nothing seems to help. At this point reinstalling Vista is only the solution, I think.

  30. Since installing Vista I have had nothing but problems with slow transfer rate. I have called Micrsoft Tech Service and I have spoken to five different technicians and they could not come up with any solutions. I replaced my network adapter card, and I have tried to upgrade my drivers to Vista and still nothing. I’m really sorry I upgraded so quickly, I should have stayed with XP until most of the bugs have been eliminated in Vista.

  31. hey i installed vista ultimate on a machine running 2 gig memory.when i connect to my network, it takes like 5 times the average time than the win xp machines thats also on the same domain.the mapped drives takes like 30 – 40 seconds . where as the xp machines would take 5.i want to knwo if its any configuration problems. i dont have mc afee installed. i have nod 32 as antivirus and all my xp machines have the same nod 32 on it installed. any help will be appreciated if anyone knows of why this is running so slow.

  32. I have previously posted this same problem. I am beginning to suspect that it is something to do with the Vista firewall. I have been trying different settings and it has an effect on the speed and accessibility.

  33. I have been running Vista for about 3 months when I noticed couldnt download large emails then all mail would choke behind it, did clean install of vista home premium & installed Norton 2007 still the same! another clean install still getting piss poor transfer speeds and still emails time out and cant even send large emails (2or 3 megs) so another clean install, no anti virus, no firewall, exactly the bl**dy same.. re installed xp all running well again vista thrown into back of drawer.
    Thanks mr Gates for a really crap product!

  34. Hi, I had uninstalled OneCare antivirus, and the problem immediately disappeared. But, I was too fast celebrating my victory, because the problem showed up next day after the second reboot. The transfer speed appeared even slower than before, despite the thing that no antivirus was installed. I called to Microsoft support. We talked for about an hour and they couldn’t help. They archived the question as unresolved. As far as firewall, I stopped the Windows firewall service and that didn’t help.

  35. Hi..I just installed Vista Ultimate on my HP Pavillion desktop PC, using a Belkin F5D7230-4 wireless router and DSL-302G ADSL modem, while still running XP on my Toshiba Sattelite Laptop, with a wireless network card built in. Vista was a clean install, had any Vista drivers downloaded and ready, everything went great. All programs worked well, internet went well, hardware worked, then it happened…internet downloads slowed down to a stop, could not talk properly to Laptop on network (internet on laptop still working fine), printer on HP could be found by laptop but wouldn’t print to it. Lots of web research, checking settings, rechecking…no answers. Then some chance comments about update problems with others made me uninstall all automatic updates. Still no good. Last one was a driver update to my Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC. Rolled back the driver..HEY PRESTO, all worked a dream again. Printer, internet, network, everything. So I thought I’d post this for others in case they are having similair problems. Hope it helps!!!!

  36. Now do i re-install Vista 4th time lucky and take pot luck that my network grows visibly slower before my eyes or opt for the less painful option of pulling my toe nails out with a pair of long nose pliers whilst sticking pins into a doll of Bill Gates
    Decisions decisions
    sticking with xp (for the moment

  37. Thank you Mark! You are genuous! That was exactly my case. I also have Realtek network card in my computer. You just helped to bring my Vista back to the life! Everything works perfectly now. Thank you so much!

  38. Yeah!! That was it!! Hours and hours of pulling hair is OVER. Downloaded Firefox in 5 seconds flat!

    Actually I did notice something change when I first installed Vista, the first “downloading of Updates” came down fast, then I remember seeing that realtek update and installed that also, then the slow poke download started, always was thinking about that update and wondering if I should roll it back, but really thought it was something else. Glad it wasnt, almost blamed the router.


  39. So let me ask you this.

    I also uninstalled Mcafee Insecurity Suite to help with some issues I was having. After all this I still had Site Advisor on (which I also removed). The question is: Do you see Mcafee Personal Firewall show up in your Vista Security Center?

    When I go to “Show me the firewall programs on this computer” as part of the list I still get Mcafee Personal Firewire. I figure it could be a registry setting I may need to change in order for it to stop seeing it?


  40. Finally… after so much tries on vista, i literally, disable firewall, window defender, remove my symantec anti-virus, uncheck window features, but its still the same…

    till, mark came up with rolling back of my realtek driver… gosh… the speed when up to normal… at least normal to me… no longer need to wait 30+ mins for juz 65MB of stuffs…

    hope that its the network card that is causing all the problem for ple out here… now i wan to try out on enabling back all my stuffs… thank you so much!

  41. I bought a new Acer laptop for my daughter and have the same internet download problems with the cable provider. But when I took the laptop to my home and changing nothing tried it on my DSL internet conection there was no problems whatsoever the machine was as fast as advertised. I returned to the cable and it was as slow as the slowest dailup so I think there is a problem with cable compatibility as I have heard many similar complaints about Vista/cable connection problems but not with Vista/DSL connections

  42. YES !Mark Pickering’s answer worked for me.

    From device manager I removed the realtek adapter, telling vista to delete the drivers too. Then, the system re-installed inmediately the original drivers again and it worked ! … I disabled the automatic updates then…

    THANKS !

  43. WOW!!!! I have HP Pavillion machine that I upgraded to vista that has the Realtek RTL8139/810x network adapter, and my internet speeds were down to 40-50 kbps on Comcast. I rolled back the driver as Mark Pickering suggested and I’m now back at over 6.0 Mbps. AMAZING!!!!. I hope others with the same problem find this page.

  44. Mark Pickering, u saved my day! I was about to throw away my computer 🙂
    Rolling back the driver was the solution for me!
    I really hope that Realtek solves this issue, and replaces the updated driver with a decent one!

  45. I finally found the ANSWER peoples

    If it is not caused by software, AV, or Firewall or a windows service then you need to go into “Device Manager”

    In there you need to go into the properties of your Network Card and go to Advanced and under Connection type set the speed to 100BaseTx instead of Auto negotiate.

    The cmd commands to turn it off did not work for me but this did.

  46. To Mark Pickering,

    Yes it worked for me, thank you very much indeed!!! After 3 weeks of hair pulling and research I was about to reinstall Vista when I found this thread. After rolling back the Realtek network drive all is well. No thanks to Microsoft. They should have an immediated update for this problem.

  47. The roll back worked for me too. I have 2 xp 1 Mac OS10 and a couple of Win2000 on the same router with a new Vista Home and an Vista Ultimate. The Vista home worked great but I had the same problems with slow transfers from the other computers and the internet to the Vista Ultimate. It had a Realtek network onboard. Funny thing is the upload test on was normal(500K) it was only the download that was slow (50K). After rolling back the driver the download is 7-8000K like on the other computers.

    Thanks a lot this was the most helpful thing I have run across in troubleshooting.


  48. For those of you using the Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC, and if your are having massive internet download slowdown and file transfer slowdown in Windows VISTA, your problems are over: One needs to update the driver. Basically very simple, it just took me two days to figure it out and find the right driver. All the blogs and websites talk about disabling this, and tweeking that. I tried all that crap and it didn’t work. No one suggested to install the following driver at least that I could find and if the folks who are trying to solve this problem are like me, I know, I know you want to throw your computer out the window, and you are sitting there saying, Why Why Why didn’t I wait to do this upgrade. Just Google —> “” and you will find it.
    Install the new driver and just like magic your internet speeds and file transfer speeds should once again be smokin, of course your milage will vary dependent on the speed of your ISP and network. Whew!

  49. I just bought a Dell 1505 with Windows Home Vista. I don’t have a realtek.. I have a broadcom.. same problem SLOOW internet speeds. I uninstalled Mcaffee.. no solution. I uninstalled network drivers, they reinstalled.. still slow download speeds. I have a broadcom so I couldn’t even go in and change to a 100basetx as recommended.. Quite frustrating.

  50. I think Micro$oft is now so rich they decided to play with their customers by making this stupid (to avoid f word) OS so slow and expensive (nothing works with it) that they can roll on the floor with laughter (to remember old AOL days) each time we want to break the stupid (again to avoid f words) machines. If this is innovation, I wonder when someone will come up with a reversal that works.

  51. i recently bought a Dell E521 and when i was transfering file from my laptop to it the speed was fine, but when i had to send files to my laptop the speed was so horrible. The new dell came with McAfee installed already, i tried disabling the firewall but it didnt work, i uninstalled it like you said and it worked great. ty so much

  52. I am eternally (well, very grateful) to the people suggesting that I roll-back my Realtek NIC drivers on Vista. I updated them today (Friday the 13th, no less) and my network speed was horrid. I rolled them back, and if anything, it seems faster than ever. Why would Vista suggest updating to those terrible drivers? (Sorry, we are talking about Vista here, which is a bloated mess, and a gamers nightmare.) Realtek should be ashamed, as well. Thanks again, people!

  53. YES, hallelujah, rolled back toe Realtek RTL8139 Driver upgrade and MARK was right, instant success, didn’t even have to reboot. Spent 2 days on this problem, Microsoft should be ashamed.

  54. Can confirm removing McAfee Crap can fix the slow network issue. A customer’s E520, freshly system restored, needed to copy 13Gb data back – only 76kb/s over wired network. Read this, uninstalled McAfee, now normal speeds.

    Thanks mate

  55. Hi,
    This problem does not only effect RTL8139 nic.
    I have an ASUS PC-DL Deluxe, which uses an Intel Pro/1000 CT onboard nic. I have been trying to find a cure for cronic network speeds. Seen this site and started thinking ! First I tried the Intel support site, only to find that the Gigalan is not vista compatiable.
    But all was not lost, I had an old RTL8139D card to hand, downloaded the Vista drivers at 1.5Kbs installed the RTL card and things are Humming. Another tip I found on the way is the TCP/IP Patch. Apparently Vista Basic limits half open connections to just 2, Vista Ultimate has 25 half open limit…………

  56. My networking was:
    Vista -> D-Link 10/100 Fast Ethernet Switch -> Dell Switch -> Server

    Once I removed the D-Link switch out of the equation my hang/slow/whatever problem with copying files from Network shares went away.

  57. hey, i was reading and i was getting exited because i have the same problem with my download/transfer speeds but im not running of of a reeltec card mine is a broadcom 440x 10/100 my laptop is brand new and its realy annoying that my old 256 mb comp downloads faster than a new 2gig one >.

  58. THANK YOU for this post.

    Once I uninstalled McAfee – BAM – like MAGIC it worked again. Super fast.

    Thank you so much.

    I was on the verge of tears trying to solve this before I found this post.



  59. well…one more guy with you 🙂
    i got a hp pavillion tx1000 with vista home premium 2 days back, and ever slow wifi performance..

    i m unable to connect to my xbox 360 on local wi-fi network (xbox is wired).

    internet speed is slower than my bike 🙂
    on my other fujitsu xp machine, i get downloads upto 1500 kB/s ( i have 30mbps internet connection). on vista+pavillaion, my download speed is max 30kB/s.

    removed norton bundled with success
    switched off firewall… no sucess

    maybe, i will try to update drivers today, and then update on this forum again 🙁

  60. Had the same issue. Download speeds were around 34kb/sec. I have a Dell Dimension 9200 with Intel 82566DC gigabit onboard NIC. Made sure I went to Dell’s support site and Microsoft’s to download latest OS patches, BIOS, network drivers, etc. I also update/then uninstalled McAfee v7.2 Security Center. Nothing. Went directly to Intel’s site and download the latest version from them (v newer than on Dell’s site) and blamo, download speeds increased 10x.

  61. Anyone know of a virus software that works well with Vista? I uninstalled the free trial of McAfee (which was causing slow connections) and now looking to buy one but don’t want the same slow networking problem.


  62. I got rid of the pre-installed Norton and switched to Kaspersky labs, which seems to work just fine with my Vista Home Premium and does not slow downs the network.

  63. I’ve had a recent “breakthrough” shall I say? I should mention first I have bell sympatico high speed internet. This applies to anyone with slow internet speeds and a speedstream 5200 running in bridge mode. I did a “10 second” reset to set it back to factory settings and just like that I had my internet back again like I did a fresh XP install. Hope this helps anyone and everyone with the same problem I’ve been stumped on… till now 😉 If you’re looking for a “good” antivirus, kaspersky is the best one I’ve used to date. It wont slow your computer down like norton does and it found, stopped and removed everything mcrappy found but could not remove itself. Also it has HOURLY updates and runs in the background and you barely even notice its there. Thats my 2… or 20cents if it helps anyone.

  64. Hi, I have been really struggling with this slow wireless connection problem on my new laptop that has Vista Business installed. I have tried everything incl. uninstalling MacAfee etc. and nothing worked… until now when I tried changing the Power Options settings to “Maximum Performance” both when the laptop is on battery and plugged in. That did the trick!

  65. Same problem here :

    Windows Vista Home Premium
    Dell Inspiron 530s
    Intel Dual Core 2 2.33 GHz
    4 GB Ram

    Vista says I have a broadcom wireless network card, yet I have documents and a sticker on the back of my wireless adapter that state it’s a WL-138G V2 (which appears to be ASUS).

    I re-formatted my drive and performed a clean install of Vista to ensure that Norton wouldn’t be pre-installed with the Dell software.

    When I boot into safe mode with networking, this problem goes away, so there has to be something else going on here.

    Any ideas??

  66. Found my own solution, and it might help out anyone with similar problems.

    Laying my pc on its side (it was designed for either standing up, or on its side) was the solution that worked for me. Seems the antenna wasn’t getting great reception from the “up” position (even though it said it was connected at 54Mbps). If you have a similar problem, it might be a hardware conflict that isn’t documented in the OS.

  67. Huge MASSIVE Kudos to Mark Pickering’s solution.
    In case any of you aren’t very computer literate, here’s how to go about it.

    – Go to your Desktop, right-click ‘My Computer’
    – Select Properties
    – On the left, under ‘Tasks’ select ‘Device Manager’
    – Click the ‘+’ box beside ‘Network Adapters’
    – Right-click ‘REALTEK blahblahblah’
    – Select Properties
    – When the window opens, click the ‘Driver’ tab at the top.
    – Click the ‘Roll Back Driver’ button, click OK to any messages that appear


    Again, massive thanks to Mark Pickering above who solved DAYS worth of frustration for me.

  68. Amazingly slow…I thought it was my ISP or Vista???
    HP, Realtek built in, Vista Ultimate Upgrade, DLINK DI624, Wired, AVG virus

    Turned off auto negotiation.(left off for now.)
    Driver being used was circa Jan 1, 2007.
    Nothing happened so…Rolled back Realtek driver to 2006 version. Nothing happened so I Rebooted.
    After reboot…DSLReports showed 6 Mb+

    Installed Realtec update from Windows Vista Update.
    Realtek ver 6.104.612.2007 (12-June-2007)
    DSLReports still showed 5 Mb+

    I’m happy! Thank you everyone. Let’s face it…Vista is much more complex and we haven’t found out all it’s tricks yet. It’s a new jigsaw with much more pieces…and maybe we don’t have all the pieces yet. Stick to OSX if you want easy.

  69. guess what?????

    i found the problem (at least on my laptop.

    is disabled IPv6 and the QoS of my Network connection and now i’m up from 245KB/s to 4,9MB/s.

    the counter test also works, when i enable both of them my speed is back to 245KB/s.


  70. by the way, it starts the copy process with in 3 seconds now.

    tried copying from both a windows xp machine to this laptop and from a vista machine.

    i’m a happy man.

  71. Thank you very very much! Copying from my DELL INSPIRON 1501 (with Vista) to my new nas (BUFFALO Link Station pro 320) was so slow (500 KB/s). After uninstalling mcafee it sped up to 7 MB/s !
    Now I’m waiting for the hotfix from MS.

  72. Has anyone with the Broadcom network driver figured out a fix yet? I’m not computer savvy, and came across this thread. A brand new computer not even being able to upload or download anything reasonably is so frustrating!

  73. It should not be up to us, customers, to figure out the secrets of Windows Vista. It should not be up to Microsoft to penalize us, customers, for having to use this horrible OS. Computers are already at a stage that every child must use it, and it should be made easier, not more complex to use. Everyone does not have an IT on staff.

  74. Hello initially i had absolutely no problems with my vista ultimate nor networking issues until…2 days ago. Im runing the intel core 2 6400 processor with 2.5 gigs of 6400 ram, and unlike many of those who found success i am actually connecting wirelessly using the D-link usb wua 13440 card that has worked perfectly up until 2 days ago on the intel dg965wh media board. I’ve tried everything completely reformating the hard drive and performing a clean installation of vista ultimate to no avail. I read all of the posts here and on various websites over the last 24 hours and nothing seems to come to my aid. IN regards to the realtek solution the dg965wh has the intel 82566 gigabit card so that didn’t work out. Im noticing a drastic drop in speed where i would generally get lightning fast speeds when downloading and exploring now the downloads will start at the accelerated rate and all of a sudden go back to a crawl just as everyone above me has described. AIDE MOI please. SO frustrating…i purposely did not install any of the windows updates after my second reformat and attempt bc i figured that had something to do with the problems> thanks again in advance

    router being used is a belkin g 802.11 with a speedstream modem…on one computer that has xp and is going lightening fast as usual the other with vista is using the d link wua 1340 usb wireless adapter – onboard networking card that isn’t used but since you all somehow weren’t using the realtek and it caused a problem – mine ie the intel 82566 gigabit onboard the dg965wh intel board. THanks

  75. I have a newly built system:
    EVGA nForce 680i SLI
    EVGA 8800GTX (single)
    nVidia nForce Network Controller
    -Microsoft windows driver

    My internet d/l speeds were horrible.
    After reading the forum this solution worked for me.

    Device Manager>Network Controller Properties> Advanced
    Speed and Duplex settings
    “changed from Auto Negotiation to 100Mps Full Duplex”

    This seems to have fixed my problem. Thanks again!

  76. well i fixed it after much troubleshooting with not only system settings but router setting etc i discovered where the problem lies. Although the above solutions specifically address isues with drivers that relate to networking devices I’ve discovered that in actuality updated drivers for components that dont relate to networking at all can cause the networking problems listed above. Late last night i decided to take it upon myself to attempt one last thing before decided to format the hard drive and say enough with vista for right now and decided i would uninstall all items associated with my board and plug in play devices. I then reinstalled all of those things with an older driver not just rolling back to the one prior but one even before then as it was on an installation disk that i had and decided not to use and do updated drivers so that’s it. Fuzzybear try doing what i did as i see this is the only fix until the driver updates are sufficient. THru process of elimination my onboard sound card, which i dont even use, or some other device caused the poor performance of my networking so try uninstalling all of those devices, not just the networking card, and then reinstall them with older drivers as it should work. Thanks everyone above for your efforts im happy to see that you were able to find a solution for you and i hope what i’ve discovered end ups being a solution for all persons experiencing these problems.

  77. Thanks to all, we bought a new Dell, got the wirelsess connection working but internet was so slow images would barely apear. Tried Unistalling McAfee did NOT help, tried changing Settings as sugested above, did not help either. Finaly my wonderful big brother suggested that it might be a conflict with which network adapter it uses. I had tried disable 1 of the 3 adapters but it didn’t help but when I went back and disabled all adapters except the one used for the wireless network it workes like a charm 🙂

  78. In McAfee, you need to open the virusscan console, then double click On-Access Scanner. On the left menu choose All Processes, then choose the Detection tab. Un check scanning of Network Drives, and then at the bottom of this window, add the drives your are transferring from to the Exclude section by browsing to that drive. Be sure to select Include Subfolders. Do this on both PCs. This will temporarily fix your transfer problem. Once you are done. Change the settings back if you desire to do so.

  79. Just thought I’d pitch in a solution. I have brand spanking new computer with windows vista and a linksys WRT54g router, and I could not get my wireless to go above about 1k/s for a while. The wireless worked great on everyone else’s router, or using a computer with any other operating system. However, As John mentioned way above, there does seem to be a trend of the WRT54G not playing nice with vista. I tried upgrading the firmware to Linksys’s latest version, but that didn’t help at all. What did help was replacing the firmware with an open source version, called dd-wrt. Go to, get the latest version (make sure to grab the WRT54G version and not the generic one), and follow the instructions on the wiki VERY CAREFULLY to upgrade your firmware. Then enjoy your nice, functioning internet!

  80. After so much frustration with its slow operation and having spent a small fortune buying updated hardware (I can now assemble a few computers with all the hardware that I had to “retire”) and software to satisfy my Windows Vista needs, I finally found the solution to ALL my problems: I downgraded my system back to Windows XP SP2. Best decision I ever made.

  81. okay, I have read all the responses and ideas and they were great, didn’t work for me but I will try putting my problem out there. New computer running Vista, I like it, however I have slow network downloads. I have tried the Netsh etc, uninstalled the firewall, uninstalled, PC-cillin Network adaptor is intel 82566DC Gigabit Platform and working through a Belkin F5D5730 au modem. I have run a speed test 1231kbps and 173kbps. Is this normal?? My neighbour can download a 2 G file off the net in 30 minutes or less but mine takes days?? Please help! My eyes are getting tired.

  82. To Krys
    Neighbor has a faster service is a possibility. Downloading the same file in 30 secs? Downloading depends on your download speed, but also on the server computer’s upload speed. You should be fine, if that speed is what your ISP promises.

  83. Hi Everybody
    I am Sambhunath , i too faced the same problem(Vista Slow Network Transfer)
    Actually the problem was occurring While connecting the Vista laptop(DELL 1720) to the port where XP SP2 Laptop(compaq) was connected .while using wireless(Wifi) it is working fine

    and the XP laptop(compaq)are not facing any problem with the same port where dell is having the problem


    So i concluded that DEll’S network card(Broadcom) is not compatible with the local cable and it works fine with D-link

  84. Hi,

    Im having the same problems, I just bought a new Dell Dimension with Vista, totally crap download speeds, but I have a laptop with Vista and a laptop with XP and their download speeds are fine, all running from the same router, cant figure out whats different about the new one, uninstalled McAfee.

    Any help would be appreciated, thing of going back to xp



  85. I cant believe Internet through Vista is actually running at normal speeds. FINALLY. I tried disabling encryption, all firewalls and anti virus, rolling back the driver-nothing prevailed. After reading the posts, focus shifted back to wireless driver. I uninstalled the Atheros wireless driver. (Since Vista auto reinstalls, I rebooted then uninstalled a second time-this 2nd time Vista prompted for a reboot). Before the uninstalls, I deleted a wireless driver listed in programs and features (in Control Panel)-I believe this may have been key.
    I never fathomed connecting to a wireless network could be so tedious. Thanks to all the great advice.

  86. I bought a Packard Bell with Vista Home Premium. The First time I tried to set up a newtowk using a crosswire cable. My old laptop which is running XP service pack 1 found the newtowk but couldn’t access it. Tried to do a Easy transfer over the network and surprise surprise it didn’t work. Tried to set up the network again and managed to get the two computers to connect using the crosswire cable but when I check for shared files there was only the music file with 23 folders in it which is about half the amount that should be there. There was no mention of my shared documents or anything. Tried then again to do a Easy Transfer using a netwok cable which states the speed is 100mps but it is incredibly slow and would takes hours if not days. Is there an easier way to transfer all my music (including itunes folder), documents, and photos (which I have a lot of) to my new laptop?

  87. Hi,

    Finally I rang Dell because the Computer is only a week old, and realistically its their problem, bingo (fingers crossed) they admitted to having problems with the broadcom wireless adapter that came with my dell, they sent me a new belkin adapter and straight away things went back to normal. (well for the time being anyway) xx Val

  88. I tried all solutions to try and get my D-Link DWL-G112 wireless adapter to work on VISTA. It got a signal and could browse the internet etc, however it was SLOW! I emailed D-Link and they suggested changing the channel on the router, It was on channel 1, I changed to channel 10 and speed went straight back up, more than perfect! No driver issues or Microsoft update affecting it. Just the channel! Hope this helps some people!

    By the way you can change the router channel by going in to the advance settings of the router!

  89. The fix for most wired/wireless network issues, to include Internet speeds, is to DISABLE McAfee’s Phishing Filter. This is a known issue in their 2007 product, yet they do not readily make this information available on their website. Instead, you have to troll their USER support forums (not technical), as well as Dell’s to find the information regarding this issue.

    After running many tests while enabling and disabling McAfee’s protection features, I decided to junk McAfee altogether as their software does not play nice with MS’s Vista. Vista in itself is also a crappy OS. There are way too many things to list here that you need to do in order to get it to run at an acceptable speed. Most of which have included running many third party utilities to test and tweak and settings in the OS.

    On a side note, I think it comical that both Dell and McAfee, being in bed together on this issue, have not made the speed issues known to their customers, not even on their websites. This issue is almost a year old and neither Dell nor McAfee have been able to provide a fix. Inexcusable!

    As such, this will be the last Dell we purchase, which includes any more McAfee as well.

    Also, for Internet usage, consider using Mozilla Firefox. My tests clearly put Firefox’s speed leaps and bounds ahead of IE.

  90. Vista is just a piece of junk.
    None of the above solved my issue. Built a MCE Vista machine and boy I regretted it. Waste of money.

  91. Hey
    I have windows vista running on my Dell Inspiron 531, and no mcafee… no norton…ive tried EVERYTHING. still nothing, it says running at 10mbps, but its running almost as slow as dial up.
    Help please
    Things I’ve tried:
    Turned off Windows firewall
    Installed Firefox
    changed ipv4 ip

    *note: SMC something something router…

  92. You have to go to the ip address that is linked to your router, it should be stated in your manual, something like

    Then choose wireless settings and change the router channel, it should be 1 to start with, as it’s set like that it’s common and everyone uses it. Change it to something between 1-10, it doesn’t matter what number. Then click save settings, it should restart the router and you will have better/faster connection hopefully!

  93. Yeah
    A computer guy came
    and fixed it 😛
    Said it was a combo of that
    phone frequency interuption
    and a couple programs
    hopefully itll stay now

    Can’t wait for SP1

  94. After numerous attempts to cope with Vista’s numerous flaws, the last one being the inability it has to copy/move folders to a directory with an existing folder with the same name (it merges the contents of the folder, which makes the whole thing useless), I have decided to solve ALL my problems: I rolled back to Windows XP SP2. Goodbye, Aspirins and Advils at the end of the day, frustration and depression when I found out all my files were rendered useless after I copied them to my external harddrive (now 500GB of useless junk).

  95. Here is the real Fix, it is SpyBot, when I hit immunize, it slowed down my internet drastically, when i removed SpyBot my internet got back to normal, i further tested it, by installing spybot again, it slowed me down, so i uninstalled it again and my internet got back to normal again, so SpyBot is the Culprate !!!

  96. For those who don’t wish to uninstall McAfee, when you get annoyed with it you can just “net stop mcshield” from a command prompt (might have to right-click the command prompt shortcut to run it as an administrator). Am using VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i and this does the job.

  97. Hi,
    I have a problem with the network detection in vista ultimate. We all know that when the LAN is disconnected, it is represented by “two computer icons with red cross”. When LAN is enabled, “two computer icons without red cross”.

    The problem is I usually keep the LAN switched ON. But whenever i boot my PC, It takes really a long time for the icon to change from “not connected” to “LAN operational” status. I also use a dialer to connect to net. It also takes long time to connect to net and for disconnection.
    It really bugs me and I am tired of searching for a fix all over net. I hope you could solve this problem for me. Its the only reason I have changed back to XP.Expecting immediate resolution.

  98. I just bought a Packard Bell running on Vista Home Premium. I have similar issues as described here: very slow internet through my Belkin (F5D7632-4 ver.1000) wireless router.

    Moreover, the internet access is destroyed also for my second PC and my laptop, both being connect via WLAN to the same router.

    The new Packard Bell I bought has a Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC.

    I noticed one thing: whenever I connect the Packard Bell to the router with a normal LAN cable, the ADSL led flashes showing the connection to the ISP is being re-dialed. At the same time I’m losing the connectivity for my other 2 computers. This re-dial process is repeated non-stop until I disconnect the LAN cable. After disconnecting the LAN cable, the other 2 PCs are recovering their fast internet access.

    I tried to disable the LAN connection on the Packard Bell, but the re-dial process starts soon after I plug the LAN cable in the router.

    Any ideas?


  99. Bloddy Hell, I solved my problem!
    (See the above post)
    I realized it was not Vista since my router kept on re-dialing even with my new Packard Bell switched off!
    Then I understood there is some electrical mismatch between my Belkin router and the built-in Realtek LAN card.
    I took an old Sitecom LAN card from my old computer, installed it in the new Packard Bell and everything works fine! No Vista tweaks, no new firmware for the Belkin router, just the stupid card!

    Now, after all, I would rather blame the router for not being able to handle the Realtek card.
    Maybe I’ll look for a better wireless router. Can you people recommend anything?

    Thanks 🙂




  101. But I wasn’t yelling at anyone –

    i was just REALLY HAPPY to finally figure it out w/ the help of this page and I did not want anyone to have any doubt in their mind that uninstalling mcafee will indeed increase your speed.


  102. Virus scanners are often set to scan “incoming” and “outgoing” files by default, so a slowdown there is not a surprise, and is not Vista specific.

    Transferring files across my home network with Vista’s explorer (the file manager, not the web browser) is painfully slow. I have read *speculation* on the web that it is the “baked-in” DRM of Vista that is doing the scanning.

    For me, I can read a CD or DVD using Roxio and burn the ISO image to a file on a network share *much* faster than burning the ISO image to the local hard disk and then copying it to a file server. The file copy is just horrendously slow.

  103. @Mark – I too have the Realtek RTL8139/810x driver update, but my “rollback” button is disabled. What version did you have and when version did you rollback too? thx

  104. regEdit key Just double-click on “DependOnService” and delete the line that says MMCSS. Hit ok, return to the services, and set Multimedia Class Scheduler Service to disabled (but do not try to stop it), then reboot that will fix speed issues gone from 960k max too 20MB/PS 😀

  105. Hi there,
    It’s now more than 2 weeks i’ve been going mad with my wireless connection. I have a Dell inspiron 530s with a broadcom wireless card in it. I have uninstalled mcafee, even though windows still detects it in the protection center in teh firewall and malaware protection. I used the mcafee removal tool but it is still there, even though the regedit can’t detect it.
    I have 3 computers connected to my belkin f5d9230-4 router. The cable one has xp and runs perfectly, my old laptop has wireless+xp and runs perfectly too. My Dell instead, with vista, is just terrible, i’ve fidled practically with everthing possible, router-wise but nothing has seemed to change, it is just terribly slow in unpload and download! Can anybody help, i’m nearly desperate…

  106. After reading this entire post and maybe 30 more, I finally figured out the issue on my brand new HP laptop. The laptop is a Pavillion DV900 series, DV9640us to be exact. It came with Vista Home Premium, and a trial version of Norton installed.

    1. I removed Norton
    2. I turned the firewall off entirely
    3. Tried the Netsh command
    4. Updated wireless driver with one directly from Intel
    5. Installed new wireless driver directly from HP.
    6. Disabled IPv6
    7. Disabled QoS Packet Scheduler
    8. Disabled Link-Layer Topology Discover Mapper and Responder
    9. Scrathed head and yelled
    10. Put everything back like it was out of the box, excluding Norton and Firewall status

    Here is a hardware setup summary:
    –Machine-HP Laptop with Intel Wireless Wifi Link 4965AGN card (Driver
    –Linksys Wireless-N Router (WRT150N)
    –Cable modem ISP
    –2 Other Vista machines on wireless LAN that have normal transfer and internet download speeds.

    At this point I was grasping at straws and decided I had eliminated about everything, except a wireless-N problem with this specific card. I changed the Wireless-N Mode enabled option in the device driver to disabled and just connected at Wireless-G speeds. Wham! No reboot, just fast speeds. I was in shock, to say the least. Just to make sure, I enabled N mode again and sure enough, slows to a crawl. Disabled and back to normal. We are talking huge differences here. My first test with Wireless-N Mode enabled is here-

    Wireless-N Mode Disabled here-

    This was not fun to find, and I do PC / Laptop support (Including Vista) everyday at work. While I enjoy a challenge, I do not enjoy the headache! I hope this helps some of you, as I figure many new machines are coming with Wireless-N ability.

  107. One last thing that may matter….. I use WPA encryption on the router, but did not change any settings at all in the router.

  108. I have the same computer PaulB has. I decided to follow his steps to speed up my wired and wireless transfers over a network (Internet has always been pretty fast).
    IT DON’T WORK. Vista is slow and useless. Period. One more hour of this damned OS and I will commit suicide. Better the computer die.

  109. Has anyone tried the sp1 link that hart7351 listed. any success with that anyone besides heart?

    original post found below.

    Here is a link to vista PRE SP1.

    it works for me (resolve all problems) :

  110. Greetings,

    It used to take hours to transfer 3GB of data , on a 1Gbps connection, from a share on our Windows 2003 server. After enabling “Always show icons, never thumbnails” in Explorer View options, the same 3 GB were copied in just a little over 2 minutes.

    Windows Explorer in Vista, by default, parses files for thumbnail icons across the network.

    To change this option, go to Control Panel > Folder Options > View and check “Always show icons, never thumbnails.”

  111. Thanks for the posts people this has been helpful. I have a HP Pavilion dv9048ca laptop and it would take 2 hours for 1 gig to transfer files from on computer to another using wireless which is as everybody knows very frustrating. When my machine came it came with Norton antivirus which I unloaded because I use Shaw Secure as my anti virus. After reading the notes I checked the Shaw Antivirus protection and had turned the firewall off a long time ago but I noticed that my spam control was enabled. I thought I would shut it off and now I can download 1 gig in 3 minutes which is a far cry from 2 hours. Thanks again for your notes everybody. Just an added note is I use a Linksys WRT54G ver5 router.

  112. Thank you to all who posted your specific fixes. I hope these can also help others who are still struggling with their “Vista slowness”. 🙂

  113. I have installed Windows Vista Home Premium and I have a good download rate on other internet applications (DC programs) but any of the browsers I use (IE 7, FF 2, Safari 3, Opera) it load’s a webpage in about 5-10 minutes. I have a ADSL connection which works with an average of 200 KB/s, so this should load a webpage very well. The thing is that my PC is connected to a router (wireless connection). On another PC with cable connection & Windows XP Proffesional SP2 installed loads a webpage very quickly. Why?

  114. Has anyone determined a solution for those of us with the Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller network adapter? I just purchased a Dell desktop with Vista that came with this adapter and after uninstalling Norton I still am experiencing very slow download speeds of under 10kb/sec.

  115. Avg Antivirus is the WORST i have seen; so much that I only used it for one day. You want a free one that’s just as good (better than norton an mcaffee either way) use AVAST! Avast has the BEST heurustics I have every seen, picking up things norton, mcaffee, panda, zonealarm, and others I tested left behind on my computer. Avast (alwil softare) believes that in order to fully rid the world of viruses, you need everyone to be protected…….common sense that norton and mcaffee don’t get!.

    Also, since norton and mcaffee pay so much for advertising to make them so popular, they are the most TARGETED to get around by virus/malware makers.

    The home edition of avast is just the same as the paid, professional, version except it doesn’t have script blocking, which vista stops in the first place with the new security layers.

    it may seem like I work for avast or something but working with computers for 20 years, my customers have praised avast so much and thank me for recommending it that I continue to recommend it.

    another thing that made me start this testing of virus programs is the fact that norton and mcaffee love to “bogg down” your system. On a computer with only 256 mb of ram and xp, avast BARELY even slowed it down

    Other AV’s can only detect a virus when enough of the infected file has gotten on the computer; Avast actually SITS in your network card/modem firmware and detects things BEFORE they even finish downloading – keeping the viruses off the compuer from the start! Also, avast is not fooled by malware that is embedded in multiple archives within each other (a zip file within a zip file within another and so on). Norton and mcaffee can’t even READ ALL TYPES of archived files and usually don’t even scan deep enough into the archived files to uncover the infections.

    did you know that MOST linux, internet-based corporations use avast including Yahoo and Google?

    Avast updates at least once a day; any antivirus that tells you there are no available updates after your computer being off for two days is JUNK! New viruses are made every hour!

    I have NEVER had anything get by Avast! Also, avast is the only antivirus that I know that currently has a 64-bit version – critical for 64-bit versions of windows!

    How can an antivirus remove a virus that has gotten into your computer when the files are in use……..avast scans your computer automatically BEFORE windows is even started; just select YES when it asks you for a boot time scan upon installation, restart your computer, and watch what your other av’s left behind! What have you got to lose except viruses?

  116. I was also experiencing extreme low (wireless) speeds (<10kb/s) with my brand new HP dv6000. Tried configuring all variables, MTU, RWIN etc but nothing seemed to help. For me, disabling WPA and enabling WEP did the trick. Download speeds are now as they should be, 1.8Mb/s.

  117. Wanted to share my experience to perhaps help someone else. I have read this entire thread since I had a number of similar issues-mostly slow internet on an Inspiron 1705 with Vista and a Broadcom 440x 10/100 card and a Dell wireless 1390 WLAN card. The Inspiron speeds were the same wired and wireless; IE, Foxfire, Opera changed nothing. The other 3 xp computers on the network were speeding along at nearly 3.0 kbps and the notebook at only 600+. I tried many of the suggestions but turning off the UAC and rebooting in Vista allowed my speed to return and also allowed me to access my bank information page which I had been unable to do on this computer for a couple months. No problem accessing it on the other computers during that time. I usually don’t disable security measures in Windows software but it seems for now, that will be what I’m doing!
    Hope this helps someone!

  118. Hello,

    I have this problem in Vista Business, ultimate, and Enterprise that when it access 2 of my particular server through shared folders and using RDP connection, it is very, very, very slow!!!

    This two server is brand new server with windows 2003 standard installed on it.

    Do you have any suggestions? Please email me back at [email protected]


  119. Hello All,

    Just a moment ago I have the problem accessing servers. Slow connection whether rdp and shared folder. I think I found the solution!

    Vista has feature called “autotuning”. Once you disable the autotuning service and restart your computer, your vista computer should be as fast as a fighter jet! when connecting using RDP and shared folder 🙂

    To do this, go to start-> all programs-> accessories-> and look for command prompt be sure to right click and look for “run as administrator”

    Once you see the command prompt, it should be on :\windows\system32
    Type in:

    netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled
    netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

    After that, restart your computer and everything should be fast.

  120. You CANNOT play with duplex settings UNLESS you can make the switchport you are plugging into match the exact forced settings. If one side is Auto and the other is hard set at all, you run the risk of losing up to 98% of your throughput, depending upon the protocol being used.

    I’ve seen companies spend $100K plus upgrading and replacing low performing servers and the only problem was a duplex mismatch. It’s one of the simplest problems to recognize and solve, and many poorly educated network engineers constantly ignore this basic item of how to set ports up properly.

  121. It is good to see people buying Dell, I work for them, I recently got an Inspiron 1525 and a desktop, Inspiron 531s

    Have observed vista is slower whilst transferring files from the optical drive (CD) to Hard Drive for some strange reason.

    Uninstalling McAfee will make a difference but seriously, why install Antivirus software ever?

    Internet Explorer 7 is a horrid piece of software I find. Mozilla’s my reliable friend.
    Has anyone noticed that despite the new tab function, windows open in a new window sometimes…anyways, vista is only better looking, even the curser sometimes is so unresponsive, I’m getting a bit worried.

  122. Ok, I have read all of this and found it very useful to find there are multiple issues in Vista surrounding network transfer speeds. It all seems to come down to fixing every other piece of hardware or software, but not the main problem which is clearly Vista. If SP1 fix is supposed to work then clearly Microsoft know about the problem and also have the fix, why can’t we be made aware of this before the SP1 update?
    I have tried ALL of the above solutions and found that none of the work.
    I have an ASUS laptop with Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC and Atheros wireless, when the LAN cable is connected it is super fast, but when I try to access my NAS drive I can download nothing bigger than 1KB otherwise it times out and freezes my Vista for a few minutes. I have found that I can upload to the NAS at about 1.5MB/s but Downloads are at <1KB/s. I have also purchased a wireless USB stick to bypass the other network devices, but this does not work either, surely this means it is nothing to do with the Realtek or Atheros settings doesn’t it?

  123. same problem – brand new HPtx1430 – broadcom 11a/b/g/n wireless card – totally useless on wireless with about 1kbps throughput. Eventually found device/sdvanced setting for AP mode as Compatibility or Performance. When set to “performance” (as delivered), the performance using 11g is crap – need to set it to “compatibility”, then it works at 11g OK.

  124. tried netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled work for a minute but I turned ZoneAlarm off and then it worked agan. MS is back there monopoly crap again. Third party software is not working unless they paid MS. I set my brothers pc up with a linksys and he bout Symantec full package protestion and it works fine. Go figure.

  125. I had the same issues, Im on a 1gb network but was only transferring files at 24mbit or 2mbytes/s speeds, if I forced the nic to be in 100mb mode I could push 7mbytes/s, but I wanted my full speed. So after trying many things it turned out to be only 1 setting. Flow Control. It was disabled so I set it to rx & tx enabled and put my nic back to auto and now im back to 1gb speeds again.

    Hope this helps, it worked for me.

    Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit latest nvidia drivers

  126. Vista is slow transferring from one hard drive to another, slow from one node to another via network, slow from CDrom to drive. Vista sucks with its slowness. t is not your expensive hardware. It is the crappy OS tha M$ put together.

  127. Windows comes with a firewall already, I don’t know why anti virus products keep pushing this crap. Most virus and spyware problems come from browsing the web and reading email. Thanks for the post though, That will always be the first thing I do when setting up new computers now.

  128. Hi guys!
    Interesting thread.
    I did some extensive testing with MANY laptops.
    The issue for me is the connection speed between the notebooks and the router.

    If you click on status, you will see the conenction speed.

    I tried THREE different routers right in Future Shop… I had to BUY them, and they plugged them in for me at the cash!!

    At the N setting, I noticed that all the N notebooks in the store connected at well over 108 Mbs.

    However, all the notebooks like mine.. HP TX1000 series…. they connected at these TERRIBLE rates… 17Mbs… 1Mbs… 22Mbs.. INSANITY!

    I tried three brands of routers!!

    This HP TX1220 has been connecting at 2Mbs all weekend!!

    I made one change… I went to the Advanced tab of the Broadcom adapter, and changed the rate from “Best Rate” to “54”.

    Bingo… it connects at 54.

    Also, with all 802.11G routers, it’s fine at 54.

    ANY SINGLE N router I tried at Best Rate averaged at 11mbps. Try it on G, and away it went at 54.

    I am really not to happy.

    At least:

    a) I tried three N routers
    b) I tried four TX series laptops and about 6 other laptops….

    These TX series all use the Broadcom wireless card. So far HP support has been TERRIBLE.

    I’ll see if I find out more.

    And none of the tricks worked in this thread..

  129. Here is a blog about windows vista slow working which has almost 20 ways to speed up vista. and lee nice techi article you have publish help me lot.

  130. Hi All,

    My config:
    * Selfbuild PC with Vista Home Premium with Linksys WMP54G (version unknown atm) wireless NIC
    * Dell Latitude D610 Laptop with Dell Wireless WLAN Card
    *Linksys WRT54G v3.1 Wireless Router

    I had quite the same problem with my version of vista: Normally a ~720KByte/sec download, now, 460KBps Max.
    After 1,5 min. the downloadspeed drops to <70KBps and stays there for quite awhile.
    Then it shoots up to about 420KBps again and so on…
    Have tried about everything mentioned here, but nothing worked.
    The strangest of all was (which i noticed quite some time later, after i already had applied most of the suggestions) that my laptop also had hardly any or a very slow connection.
    Then I started thinking that it actually wasn’t quite logical that my wireless NIC in either my PC or Laptop were ‘faulty’, but that my router probably gave the problem. I went to the Australian(!) Linksys site and downloaded the latest firmware for the v3.0 (!!) router, which was dated 3/19/2008, installed it on my router and since then, my connections are both as they were, with a total of about 720KBps.

    I haven’t had any problems with my realtec NIC, but then again, i actually don’t use it much so…

    I Hope this will help some of you a littlebit further.

  131. *shames himself deeply*

    I just found out that the whole problem had nothing to do with my router etc.
    Because my downloadspeeds have never been low before, I hadn’t thought of this possibility, although it was mentioned here, but… what was the whole d*mn problem… my router was just a little misplaced after checking it’s versionnr. and because of that the connection was just crap. I noticed this when my wife turned on the tv when my speed dropped from 720KBps to about 420KBps. Turned off the tv and the speed went up again :S

    So once again: the good/perfect connectionstatus doesn’t mean anything, it can be wrong.

  132. (Sorry for my poor english)
    I had found the problem!!!
    In my case the laptop (with Vista) was connected to a hub. I tried connecting it directly to the router and everything worked perfectly.

    I cannot understand this because my other computer( XP), connected at the same hub, works perfectly, but the laptop doesn’t.
    Any ideas?


  133. I know the answer
    Hi, its me again (Nahuel)….
    I was wrong on my last post, the problem wasn’t the connection, the problem was the ethernet cable.


  134. Hmm. I tried pretty much everything in every single comment on here, and it’s still running painfully slow (9kb/s for a 800+MB file is not cool at all). I have a Atheros driver for my WLAN, and it came with Norton installed, not McAfee. I just bought this computer today, some Compaq with Vista Home Premium, so I am seriously wary of doing anything I’ll regret.

  135. Hey there,

    I’ve got a brand new Dell 1700 Vista laptop. When the AVG 8.0 antivirus is installed, I can’t upload files to the internet. When it is uninstalled, there is excellent uploading speed. Do I have to try and configure AVG somehow, or is it simply not compatible with Vista?

  136. I found setting up an FTP site on my host machine worked alot faster…. No Mcafee, No firewall did nothing… Tried to copy 6.8 Gigs from machine A to machine B, was taking forever, 9 hours according to Vista. Running Vista Business on both machines…

    I setup an FTP site on Machine B, now its transferring much faster… i dont get it.. Network utilization according to the network tab in task manager remains the same, around 25% max, still not as fast as it should be.

    I just replaced all my network cables today with Startech Cat 6 cables too.

    Using a netgear 100 mb switch.. during the transfer it show alot of collisions taking place, but i assume thats normal.

    Transferring at 651.4 kbps over ftp though..

    Moved both cables to my Linksys WRT Wireless router’s switch… Now running at 400 kbps…
    network utilization drops to 6-10% I dont get it…

  137. Hi Gavin,

    Most of the time, packet collisions are caused by the wrong connectionspeed/duplexmode settings.
    In your case, i’d advise you to check your networkcard settings (network manager, NIC properties, properties if i’m correct), find “Connection speed/Duplex Mode” and set it to 100Mbps/HALF(!!) duplex.
    This way, the data will be sent and received in turn. Good luck

  138. Hi all, this could be related,

    I have a Vista Ultimate based HTPC (which used to run MCE 2005 prior to my doing a clean Vista install) and a Win XP Pro desktop on the network. Both machines have Gigabit ethernet, and are connected via Cat 6 cable across a D-Link DGL-4300 Gigabit router. Jumbo packets are disabled on both ends. Both have latest chipset drivers, NIC drivers, Vista patches, etc installed.

    Prior to clean-installing Vista, I was getting transfer speeds of 35 MBytes/sec between the HTPC and the WinXP Pro desktop. After clean-installing Vista, I noticed that this dropped to a measley 11 MBytes/sec!

    I’ve tried several solutions, including turning off Vista’s firewall (transfer rates went 11 MB/s -> 16 MB/s). I also tried turning off autotuning (no difference) and turning off remote differential compression (minimal difference).

    Finally, I realized something important:

    If I had VMC running in the background (idling mind you, ie. not playing video, not accessing network, etc), then my transfer rates were limited to 16 MB/sec with Vista’s firewall off. However, if I exited completely out of VMC, then my transfer speeds shot back up to 35 MB/sec to the WinXP Pro desktop!

    I think this is the reason why loading ISO files from within MyMovie’s VMC interface (auto-mounted through Daemon Tools) takes FOREVER with Vista (45-60 secs), but was relatively fast in MCE 2005 (~10 secs).

    Anyone have any ideas why VMC running in the background would cause a > 50% drop in network speeds, even though VMC isn’t doing anything with the network?

  139. VMC = vista media center

    After poking around some more, I found the solution to slow network speeds while VMC is running. I think it has to do with Vista’s multimedia class scheduler:

  140. Slow vista network speed solved on my machine. See vista 64 forum. Problem was the nVidia network controllerd driver. Used a MS driver and my network reads and writes to my win3k Raid 1 server at upto 99% both ways.

  141. Few weeks ago, my laptop rj-45 connection at home via adsl router became painfly slow. The local network transfer speed was a few kb/s, a few hundred kb/s at most. I tried driver updates and rollovers, router updates, removal of TCP v6, QoS Scheduler and other staff. Neither did help. As a last resort, after reading this blog, I tried to replace the RJ-45 cable (5E Cat. as a it has inprinted) with a different one. Belkin RJ-45 travel cable (from Belkin Travel Kit I received with the laptop) was chosen luckily, as I explain later. Ta-da! The speed returned to normal (~10Mb/s) what is expected with my D-Link DSL-G604T 100 Mbit/s router.

    Than I tried other RJ-45 cables I found at home. Two out of 5 total (all with either Cat5 or Cat5E inprints) were found to be incompartible with my Dell laptop (Latitude D630c with Intel 82566 MM Gigabit on-board NIC), i.e. showed the slow speed as described above. With other three, the speed was normal. Luckily to me, the Belkin travel RJ-45, which I tried as the first replacement was among good ones.

    Based on this experience, I can conclude that either the laptop, NIC, or Vista has a peculiar quarrelsomeness in part of the RJ-45 cable used for connection.

    I shall investigate it later what of this three makes all this trouble.

    I have no CAT6 cable at home. Who knows, may be the new laptops need CAT6 cable even in 100Mbit/s network?

    I finish up with a trivial recommendation:
    try to replace your RJ-45 cable, even if it works with all older machines. There, a probe of several cables might be need, if you pull them up from a box of old goodies. For sure, it must be CAT5, CAT5E, or CAT6.

    I hope it will help to somebody.

  142. I have Vista 32 bit… clean install on a Velociraptor HDD… When I had XP Pro I was getting 300-400kbps dl’s… now I get 32kbps. I don’t have McAfee… I do have Kaspersky, but I didn’t have it installed before I noticed the DL issues. I have a wireless router, but I am hard wired into it. I’ve tried going straight from the modem and through the router, but I get the same problems.

    Any help would be great.


  143. Greg:
    1. Go to your network connection and uncheck IPv6 (unless you absolutely need this protocol).

    2. Disable remote differential compression (Google it).

    3. Go to and run the “Tweak Tests” and check the recommendations given after the tests are completed.

    Good luck!

  144. Hello All,

    I learned from this website that there are several causes for Vista network transfer being slow.

    The problem with the network transfer speed I had, is related to Symantec Antivirus 10.2.
    Symantec Antivirus 11.0 seems to have the problem solved.
    Network copy Speed went from 500 KB/sec to 25 MB/sec.

    Note that I’m using Vista SP1.

    Hope this information will be helpful for some of you.


  145. Ok, I have a laptop and a desktop. The laptop was Vista and the desktop was XP, network speed ok. Internet speed ok.
    I upgraded (matter of opinion) the desktop to vista. Internet speed on, but keeps cutting out on desktop. Network speed between the two wireless devices, poor, as in less than 20kbps.
    After reading this thread I tried the netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled from a command, only on laptop, no change. then tried the disabling ‘Remote Differential Compression’, no change, then went to desktop, disabling ‘Remote Differential Compression’ made nodifference. Then from command, by right clicking icon and chooing run as administrator, it made the speed go to over 400kbps.
    I have no anti virus and only windows and belkin router firewall.

    Hopefully cured!

  146. I have tried virtually every possible thing to fix my crawling download speed on Vista. I have a XP based computer on my home network and it downloads at 1Mb/s… on the other hand, the Vista based pc downloads 64kb/s!

    I tried all possible solutions and non of them worked, until I came across Mark’s post (see Mark Pickering on Jun 20, 2007). I recommend trying that before anything else.

    Good luck mates!

  147. Guys, i tried the autotuning trick and the “remote diffrential compression” and neither worked.
    By chance i noticed that the Network interface card speed and duplex directly affect the transfer speed as when the network card is running on Gigabit i had no problem but when it was running on 100MB full duplex the problem exist, so i did some tests and here is the conclusion:

    1- 10MB full duplix (Slow Transfer).
    2- 10MB half duplix (fast Transfer relevant to the 10MB speed).
    3- 100MB full duplix (Slow Transfer).
    4- 100MB half duplix (fast Transfer).
    5- 1 Gigabit (auto) (fast transfer).

  148. I have a new Dell 1525 and had been getting appalling networking copy speed. Under 100K a second! This entry on your site was one of the first items produced by a Google search. I first tried the registry edit to eliminate the multimedia network throttling.

    I set about to test whether this had any effect and noticed something odd. Wireless speed, which is awful for everybody where I live due to severe overuse of the spectrum, was ten times faster than wired speed! Hmmm, this means something…

    I took a look at the switch the laptop was connecting to my desktops through and saw that it wasn’t a switch at all. It was a hub. One I must bought back around 1997. When I first set up my desk with a pair of KVM systems reaching the rest of the house over powerline bridges, the only large transfers were between the two machines (one of them a Vista Ultimate box that never had any notable network problem) at my desk. The hub’s limitation didn’t matter much then and I completely forgot what it really was.

    Installed a switch in place of the hub and lo, I was now getting 10-15 MBps rates. That may not sound like much but the source machine is handling a lot of other simultaneous demands on the same drive.

    So, the problem was old obsolete hardware. It wasn’t even in the computer.

  149. Hi, everyone!

    I’ve been tormented by insanely slow network transfers in windows vista, something like 4-8 kB/s for a long time. After a lot of reading, and tons of anger discharged on soft puppins, I finally found the solution, or sort of, for my problem… which is the [ eightbits ] test results from this article.


    1- 10MB full duplix (Slow Transfer).
    2- 10MB half duplix (fast Transfer relevant to the 10MB speed).
    3- 100MB full duplix (Slow Transfer).
    4- 100MB half duplix (fast Transfer).
    5- 1 Gigabit (auto) (fast transfer).


    I used the fourth option, 100 MB half duplex, and my lan transfer came up to 7 MB/s, which has caused my a large sum of happiness, having in mind previous results.

    Thanks, eightbits, for your idea

  150. I had the same problem with brand new Dell Optiplex 755 with Vista Business, very slow logon and network file browsing, it comes wit a Intel 82566DM-2 gigabit adapter. in the driver i
    disabled the datatransportcontrole and disabled auto-tunning (via cmd-> type: netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled), rebooted the machine and it works like a charm again, fast filebrowsing and quick logon

  151. Mike514 – thank you this worked for me!

    >>>I made one change… I went to the Advanced tab of the Broadcom adapter, and changed the rate from “Best Rate” to “54?.

    Bingo… it connects at 54.

  152. Excellent stuff, thanks for sharing these tips. I also have windows and always loking for tips to make it work faster. Great job thanks !

  153. this is a fix, not sure if it wil wil work on any adapter, but it did work on my nvidia adapters, as every one else i looked everywhere for a solution and i came up with this one, that i figured out for myself, ok this is what you do… go to nvidia’s website and download the latest nforce drivers, then go to control panel and uninstall the “nvidia network access manager” then when your asked ro reboot say no. then unistall all the nvidia drivers, including the display driver (thats just to make sure you uninstall all the nforce drivers, hope you have display drivers on your HDD or download the newest). ok then reboot when asked, but before your pc boots up go into the bios by pressing the del key, only if you have 2 network ports and disable the 2nd one there, just look around, you will find it. now save and exit the bios and when windows boots up and ready install the new drivers BUT WHEN INSTALLING THE NFORCE DRIVERS SAY NO WHEN ASKED IF YOU WANT TO INSTALL NETWORK ACCESS MANAGER…..NETWORK ACCESS MANAGER IS BAD!!!!! NO NAM!!!! K?????. great, restart the machine after everything is installed and when windows boots up again, go to control panel-windows firewall-(on the right pane) Allow a program through windows firewall(even if your not using it or have another installed you must do this step)-then click on advanced on the top right hand tab-then uncheck the box next to the network adapter your using, click apply and close. ok your LAN transfer speeds shoud increase alot now. but if your using bitdefender like im, youl have to do some changes in the frewall settings there, im using 2009 and cant remember if you have to do this in 2008. switch to advance view and on the right choose firewall, now click on network(the adapter name shoud show there if your connected to a network), make sure the trust level is trust all or trust local or something like that, generic is on and stealth is off. close bitdefender and restart your PC. JUST REMEMBER NO NETWORK ACCESS MANAGER AND IF YOU DONT SWITCH OF THE STEALTH ON THE ADAPTER CONNECTED TO A NETWORK THAT YOU WONT BE ABLE TO SHARE ANYTHING……

    after i did what i just said my transfer rates went from 200kb’s to over 50-70mb/s. for a small improvement on speed’s you can just disable flow control on your adapter but if your lucky you will get speeds of around 5-10mb/s.

    hope this helped!!!!

  154. thx, Mark
    My problem to slow speeds was similar, but was a bad Windows Update driver for Marvel Yukon network card (motherboard built-in 88E8056) from 12/07. Reverted back to 8/07, no more lockups and 17kbs net speeds on my GB network!

  155. I had the same problem and discovered that the problem was that auto-negotiation of the speed/duplex for the network connection did not work right in the environment (corporate, not sure what the switches are). I changed the NIC setting to explicitly be 100mbps/full duplex and the speed problem was fixed! If you know that the switch you’re using supports, set your NIC to that speed/duplex and see if it helps.

  156. Did it all, every fix and tweak on the net and only a temporarily resolution was found. I was powering along until I opened a realplayer file, splat! Vista is crap! I’m going back to XP…

  157. Ummm , Hi , Im using a manufactured Vista home pre. And im having trouble with Transfer rates, And i’m using Yahoo Dsl Broadband connection? I’m only transfering 30~39kb’s per sec.. It’s really slow compared to my freinds getting 200kb’s + Per min. I have 2GB’s of Ram. What’s the cause? Is it my computer or my router? Can anyone help me?

  158. I’ve downloaded the new driver of my networkcard (Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection) and now it works perfectly on my XP (service pack 3)system.
    The transfer duration was less than 2 minutes for a 570MB file from my other system Win2000.

    Previous it took 45 minutes – 60 minutes. And now with 100 Mbps/fullduplex in 80 secondes.

    Wow! Strange it’s not included with Windows automatic update or in the latest service pack!

    So you need to go to the site of the manufacture (INTEL).

    Good luck!!

  159. The same with the other computer (Win2000) with a 3c905c TX network card. I’ve downloaded a new driver and now it’s the same speed as on the XP PC. Don’t forget to REBOOT the system. Otherwise the transfer speed won’t change.

    Copying files ON the XP system from PC 1 -> PC 2
    has now the same speed as
    copying files ON the Win2000 system from PC 1 -> PC 2.

    Good luck!!

    (Oh, I have also Mcafee, but it’s still on the system. I have not uninstall it. But I have disable it before I install the networkdriver.)

  160. This does not address the issue of slow internet connection under the Vista platform. I have an Emachines with an athlon 64 cpu that came with XP. I purchased Vista home premium and loaded it to dual boot(thank goodness). Same hardware, same protective software (not McAfee) etc. Under XP the connection is fine. Under vista, its “dial up” speed. I have been searching for answers off and on for years with none found from Microsoft or anyone else. The solution to my problem has been to boot to XP>

  161. Thanks! My girlfriend’s sister recently ran into this very problem: I was able to google your response and get her computer running properly in no time. It really is a pity that they set the default security settings to be so strict that they are almost unusable.

  162. Oh my god…. thankyou!

    I grabbed an Ethernet cable and started transferring, only to get 55kb/s.

    Seeing my card was meant to be 200 times faster I did my research and and found this site.

    After disabling windows live onecare firewall, speeds were an 27MB/s!

    Now I’m wondering why antivirus software in general is so terrible.

  163. Try changing the power settings/power plan to high performance. My wireless is perfect now. This may have helped too.

    3. Windows Vista’s ‘Remote Differential Compression’ was causing the slow transfer rate
    I disabled ‘Remote Differential Compression’ with no success.

    Start>>Control Panel>>Programs and Features

    Click on ‘Turn windows features on or off’ on the left side of the screen

    Unchecked ‘Remote Differential Compression’

  164. omgggg, thank you who ever show me the network wireless, i install a new window vista “vista royal home premium” custom so yeah it was so slow, but now its fast likee **** , thank you guy, i love you

  165. Hello Admin,

    thanks for posting this thread, guys hope you read me, my laptop is not Dell but Medion, I am using Vista-SP1(32 bit), actiontec w-gateway and intel 5100 wifi link on laptop. desktop with Win xp is wired to actiontec gateway. while transferring file on Xp from XP to vista – share exists on xp , it showed me 2-3 hours for 1 GB file, later I did following and it showed me 20 minutes – this is what helped me..

    1. set 802.11/g only on wireless gateway and Vista adapater setting. restart adapter
    2. netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled
    3. netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled
    4. remove differential compression Vista feature.
    5. I have not turned off vista firewall and bull guard antivirus.
    6. I have unchecked 1.QOS, 2. IPV6,3. last 2 lines in protocol properties below IPV4.
    7. used TCP optimizer tool on internet to set optmized configuration

    These 7 steps helped me boost my wireless speed for file transfer from vista to xp from 300KB/s to 1.20MB/s.

    Believe me all these settings helped me.

    thanks to the OP.

    good day

  166. Ok, here is how to fix it.

    On machine A, share out a directory with full permissions.

    On machine B, network browse to that folder and “Map it as a network drive”

    Now try copying some big files from A to B while on machine B

    I went from 18 MB/sec to 85

  167. Try to disable : Large Send Offload (IPv4)

    Network and Sharing Center -> View Status ->
    Local Area Connection Status -> Properties -> ([I][U]NIC[/U][/I]) [B]Configure[/B] -> Advanced -> IPv4 Large Send Offload = [B]Disable[/B].

    i found this setting on Broadcom BCM5708S (IBM Blade HC10-Vista) and Marvel Yukon 88E8056 (Lenovo Desktop-XP) Network Card but not on Intel Pro/100 VE – XP and Realtek RTL8139 – XP.

  168. well mine is getting slower everyday, i tried some of the suggestions and it didnt work for me. ill keep an eye on this thread anyway.

  169. some experience. May be usefull for some one

    I also had the performance and connection problems with built-in into Dell Precision a Intel 82567LM network adapter. It didn’t want to connect after sleep/hibernate or plug in of the network cable. I tried to switch in the network adapter properties from ‘Auto negotiating’ to 100/Full Duplex. The result was, that the network cable was now detectable correctly, but a network performance was horrible – send rate was about 300 kb/s, receive – 1 mb/s on 100mBit network. 100/HalfDuplex speeded it up to ~9000 for in both directions. But it was not enough for me.

    I’ve seen, that in ‘Auto negotiating’ mode the speed was ~11000 in both directions. But, as I told above, in the ‘Auto negotiating’ mode the network adapter didn’t want to recognized the network connection when the cable was plugged in (or after sleep/hibernate). And only the way to make him to do this was run the cable test (it has a such feature in the adapter settings)

    After further investigations I found, that on the other side with FritzBox 7170 connected to, this LAN interface was in the power save mode! It means, that both adapters (in notebook the intel 82567 and in fritz box) were waiting for the singal on the line to switch on itself! After I switched the FritzBox’s LAN interface into permanent power on mode, the notebook’s adapter started to detect the connection immediately and the performance is around ~11500 mByte/sek in both directions.

    To make the tests, I’ve used this small, but nice util:

  170. A friend of mine bought a new Toshiba with Vista. The download is extremely slow. So far no luck in fixing the issue.

    The last good Windows was XP. After that you better switch to Linux, Ubuntu for instance.

  171. Hi, I found the solution for this problem, in Microsoft Page, under name Fix233567.
    Apparently only happens to certain Pc or combined rare hardware.

    In my pc, the transfer between WinXP pros Aprox 30 to 50mb/s with Vista 11mb/s and after few days 6mb/s.
    Now with this fix 30 to 50mb/s

    Sorry for my english, I’m learning.

  172. Wow thx i just reinstalled vista after regretibaly installing windows 7 rc1 ( dont do it it sucks ) and my dl speeds were less then 1 kb then i read your article and remembered that mcafees default setting is to allow outgoing acces only i allowed all and boom increase in speeds. THX!

  173. I find it shocking that in the year 2009 I am resorting to using FTP and Filezilla to copy files from my Vista workstation to my Windows Server 2003 file server…

  174. So, after a couple of days of trying to speed up the wireless download speed, I think I found the issues. It has to do with compatibility with my router. Vista does not like my old linksys router. When I connect to another router – everything is fine and the Internet is fast…

  175. Hello one thing for faster transfer speeds is to use the FTP: protocol instead of http as ftp has no overhead and runs much much faster

  176. Same problem – slow speed over wired network between two XP machines. Tried about everything suggested here with no success.

    Updated D-Link network card driver, and everything fast again.

  177. I had a 175MB file that Vista was quoting at 11 minutes transfer time.

    1) netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled

    2) netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled

    1) and 2) dropped the time to 3 minutes

    3) remove differential compression Vista feature.

    The 3) dropped it to 20 seconds.

  178. I have a Dell inspiron 530 it tells me that the security settings will not allow me to download oovoo any suggestions on how I can do that

  179. Hello,

    I experienced very sloooow network mapping in Vista 64 //Iphone. My wi-fi router is DIR-655. I updated the firware of the router and vola!

    The data transfer speed is ultra fast!

    Guidance for firware update i found from router supplier help phone number

  180. I had the same problem when I bought a new Dell PC and switched from XP to Vista, this really helped me, thanks!

  181. The company I used for my Wireless LAN Setup was very knowledgeable and available 24 hours a day for any problems I may have run into. Check out their site. I hope this helps you.

  182. I had that problem that the after copying a couple of megs via lan everything was stoping, 2h of searching and simple ALLOW ALL TRAFFIC on firewall HELPED!!!! :/

  183. hi guys any one help me

    i have a packard bell me35 laptop i have some problem on it
    if connect the internet with wifi its normally working after 30 min are maximum 45 min its disconnecting automatically in cont search it again
    i have restart my laptop … now a day am using via wire can plz give me some solution for this
    am waiting for your repay guys


  184. I fixed mine by running this command on windows 7 after installing some Windows Updates messed up my network speed really really bad. In the command prompt type:

    netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

    You may also need to type in:

    netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled

  185. RESOLVED – Wireless speeds in Vista slow.
    After LOTS of time and troubleshooting, finally figured out what’s causing my problem. It was my
    Avast Free Antivirus “Network Shield” that caused the bottleneck. It was strangling my 15/5 Mbs down to 6/5. Uninstalled Avast, and wireless is back to 15/5. Am currently using MS Security Essentials until I can find something better.
    Avast works fine in Windows 7, using both ethernet and D-Link wireless adapters.

  186. Excellent information in this post. I really appreciate all the participation and the fact that this is left on the Net. Thanks again

  187. Hi All,

    *** Partial Solution (?) ***

    I have had problem between of slow copy between XP and Vista using Windows Explorer.

    Try using the command promt, the black screen, (Start, Run “cmd”) i saw an increase in network utilization from ~0.5% – 2%, now up to 10-11%

    Theres loads of help on the web for the command prompt “copy” function.

    Hope this helps.

  188. I have not used vista so I can’t say anything about that but I had this issue when transferring files in windows 8.1. I thought it was just me but after searching I found many others just like me. Then my friend suggested me to try GS Richcopy 360 which helped me a lot. Its multi threaded file transfer feature has saved a lot of time.I would suggest you to try it if you are unhappy with the existing file explorer speed. Hope it helps, thank you!


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